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Date Posted: 06:19:53 10/20/04 Wed
Author: Lrod
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Subject: Clear the Air

Dear Friends,

I just want to say a few words to try and clear the air.

I set this board up for selfish reasons. I wanted to do an experiment in free speech. As you all know the only terms of service that I have advanced (The Heinlein quote at the top of the main page) are short and sweet. Yet I have only exercised the power of the delete button twice in the history of this board. Once was when someone posted personal information about another participant (phone # & address) and the other is when someone was making untoward remarks about another member's health problems.

The terms of service are clear. If you do something that pisses me off, I'll delete you. Simple. Luckily it takes a lot to piss me off. Besides, if I got trigger happy on the delete button it would ruin my experiment.

Anybody with a modicum of intelligence can set up a discussion board on the web. There are thousands of them. Just knowing a bit of code does not make you a god. What makes a community is not software, it's people. I try to respect and nurture people. I'm a community builder and so is doreen.

I must admit to a bit of puzzlement about why Levi has taken the direction he has. The whole 'high maintenance' drama was somewhat of a mystery to me as well. Sure, doreen is no shrinking violet when it comes to expressing her opinions but she always tries to be helpful. If she is 'high maintenance' then she is worth it. When she was banished from Litkicks I had no choice but to join her in purgatory because we are partners and if she had to live under a bridge I would be with her.

As I said, it takes a lot to piss me off. I'm not pissed off at Levi. He has the right to run his site any way he wants, even if I think it's a bore and the soul of interaction has been removed. I have met Levi several times and I always enjoy being in the room with him. I sense that he is a good spirit and I'm fairly sensitive to human nature and vibrations. I have no doubt that we'll laugh at all of this nonsense at some pot-party in the future.

I know that things get messy around here at Freedom Hall sometimes. That's why I love it. Freedom is a messy thing.

Carry on. Say anything you want. This is Freedom Hall.


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