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Date Posted: 09:41:47 10/20/04 Wed
Author: doreen peri
Author Host/IP:
Subject: you weren't talking to me
In reply to: knip 's message, "i appreciate" on 07:08:55 10/20/04 Wed

The posts in this thread that mention "fence sitting" were not mine. Someone else was talking to you, not me. Yes, both our IP#s start with 172, but it wasn't me, truly!

I know you'd never be disparaging to us, knip. Thank you!

And if you want to participate over there, you've got the right to do that.... no problem here. .... do whatever you want. The site is open to the public, isn't it?

Oh, well, excluding some people who are in the public...


Nobody's asking you to take sides or anything like that.

Whatever anybody does with their website is entirely up to them and if you are enjoying the experiment, great! I was enjoying it, too, at first, before I was asked not to be in it.

Just a thought.....I think it should be an invitation-only experiment. Otherwise, why are people excluded?

But whatever.... enjoy yourself! Thanks for being you!

>that, and am responding to both your and lrod's post
>in this one...impolite i know, but i'm short on time
>nothing i said in this thread was meant to be
>disparaging to you or lrod...i'm pretty sure you know
>that, but just wanted to make sure
>the more i think about about the lk split issue, the
>more it confuses me...i am choosing to treat the new
>lk direction as an experiment...so to bring in
>perceptions, misperceptions, judgements etc. into that
>environment would be distracting for me...to give the
>new direction a fair shot, i choose to not impair the
>process with any bias
>that is what is behind my apparent (to some)
>happy ramadan, peace, good will, and love

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