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Date Posted: 10:39:49 10/20/04 Wed
Author: there you go
Author Host/IP:
Subject: See?
In reply to: knip 's message, "yet" on 23:59:12 10/19/04 Tue

As soon as you know WHO is posting you bring personalities into the mix. You want to know what I think is cowardly? THAT is cowardly. It's cowardly to turn on personalities instead of dealing directly with arguments.

As for "hanging back" because you don't know all the facts -- do you realize that is an excuse you could use FOREVER? And people in the military often do, too. Let somebody else make the big decisions -- I'm a mere footsoldier here, a bystander, I don't KNOW everything, so I'll just follow orders and hang back. I know that I'm absolved from all blame because I'm not qualified to make judgements.

I am automatically assuming that both parties have contributed some damage to this situation. Even then, I find the censorship of one party in this quarrel INEXCUSABLE. You can hang back all you want. It's the behavior I am angry at. If someone is LYING and the censorship didn't occur, then I am wrong and I owe some apologies, but I prefer to risk being embarassed about a mistake rather than be a cowardly hanger-back fencesitter. And yeah, you're right. For me, this is all about a point I want to get across -- mainly about fairness to others during disputes. It has nothing to do with DP or LRod, except that they happen to be involved in it.

Keep your dignity, and your claim that you don't know what is going on. No one is asking you to sacrifice it.

>you avoid my question as to how i acted cowardly
>how does one evade such a direct question, a question
>unmistakingly borne in WORDS
>we all talk about what we want to talk about, cat...it
>is our nature...you are talking about the aspect of
>the website that YOU want to talk about...you are
>holding this slight against lrod and dp aloft to
>support some point YOU want to get across
>i don't know what was behind the split, and neither do
>you...yet whereas i choose to take things at face
>value, test the next stage, check it out before
>passing judgement, you choose to judge based on the
>most sparse information...do you REALLY know what this
>is all about? no...and neither do i...time to admit
>it, methinks...
>i'll also state that your penchant for the FREE
>EXCHANGE OF IDEAS brought in someone who had no
>interest in literature, poetry, anything...other than
>expressing his own neocon view of the world...as far
>as i am concerned, that little episode had as much to
>do with the 'death' of the website you loved so dearly
>as anything else
>in words

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