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Date Posted: 22:09:12 10/21/04 Thu
Author: Al Capp
Author Host/IP:
Subject: "What's good for General Bullmoose is good for the USA"
In reply to: Max Bacon 's message, "you were warned" on 22:08:18 10/19/04 Tue

I do not understand the anger at Levi, I suppose I do at some quantum level pain and anger trip the same responce, believe it or not I am trying to be a more careful writer, it did hurt to not be allowed to take part in the writer's work shop on that other site, this place is my last resort, I think I will pretty much have to create a website and go my own way with that, I am tired of talking about it, I am thinking about shit storms at other web communities, this will sort itself out,
mean while "a country boy will survive"
all this bitching about bizness, what did burroughs say about anybody who says he ain't in it for the money is a liar, I spent about thirty five dollars on litkicks, if I had it I would spend more, same here.
>The website in question has been censoring and banning
>people for years. That the controls have increased
>seems mostly to be due to the fact that, by the
>owner's admission, it is now being run as a business
>I'm surprized that you and the other person were asked
>not to post ... have you seen the quality of some of
>the submissions accepted there? (Also, have you told
>us the whole story behind your banishment?)
>Myself, I just will not accept their terms of service;
>I'm not handing over any of my work, along with my
>right to edit it and say where it is used, to anybody.
>The owner presents himself as being everybody's buddy,
>as a laid back guy who just digs the underground lit
>scene and wants to help out artists. Seems to me that
>all that is left of his community are a few buddies
>and a handful of sycophants.
>I really do feel for people like yourself who gave so
>much to that site over so many years and are now,
>quite suddenly, dismissed as being a nuisance or
>They don't want a "worldwide conversation". They want
>a conversation that reflects their own narrow
>conception of how literature should represent the
>world. e.g no profanity, unpleasantness or dissent.
>>And aren't we all DIFFERENT? Don't we ALL have
>>different opinions, different ideas, different ways of
>>expressing ourselves?
>>I can understand ANGER. I have gotten angry plenty of
>>times, myself. I've shut people out of my life
>>deliberately because I was SO ANGRY that I didn't
>>think I could ever forgive or speak to those people
>>again. I have never, however, deprived anyone of the
>>right to express themselves appropriately, because of
>>my personal differences with that person.
>>Someone wrote some very sarcastic and cutting remarks
>>on this forum today, relating to how others reacted to
>>a person's "high school drama" and so on. "The Troll"
>>is certainly entitled to his opinion about anyone. But
>>he missed the point. Rules and guidelines have been
>>specifically outlined for a certain website. Several
>>people who have valuable and articulate opinions have
>>agreed to comply with those rules and contribute to
>>the website.
>>Today, they were asked to leave the website ALONE.
>>Why? It wasn't because they had broken the rules, it
>>was because the owner of that website has decided to
>>choose that method of expressing HIS PERSONAL
>>I really don't care what started it, or IF the people
>>he is excluding offended HIM in any way. I care that
>>this person is acting like a petty tyrant --a Hitler
>>in his own tiny Germany.
>>What makes it worse is that this particular individual
>>has openly expressed his anguish at personal
>>experience of prejudice and exclusion because of his
>>race and cultural differences. Apparently, he doesn't
>>know ENOUGH about unfair exclusion, because he is
>>doing it, himself.
>>He needs to put his personal differences aside. He
>>needs to be big enough to admit he is not justified in
>>excluding these two people from his website JUST
>>because he doesn't like them. Feel free to dislike
>>anyone you want. Feel free to go and tell someone else
>>you don't want to talk to them. That is your
>>privilege. But when you set up a public website,
>>complete with specific rules, and others agree to
>>follow those rules,you have NO right, in a logical
>>world, to shut them out.
>>This is a clear example of prejudice and
>>discrimination based on personal animosity. I am
>>disgusted with the person who'd decided to enforce it.
>>His website is no better than he is and therefore I
>>refuse to contribute to it. Everyone has a right to
>>self-espression, and when you are the one setting up
>>the rules, you have no right to exclude those who obey
>>Shame on you. You know who you are. What you have done
>>is no better than what the Nazi officers did when they
>>cut off the locks of the Hasids in the streets of
>>Europe. You have no right to censor ANYONE because of
>>your personal prejudice. You betray everything you
>>pretend to stand for. I disown you. You have have
>>forgotten. You are intolerant.

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