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Date Posted: 09:31:35 10/22/04 Fri
Author: my nania
Author Host/IP:
Subject: ten four
In reply to: dp 's message, "depends on your ISP" on 06:11:20 10/22/04 Fri

Maniacal misspellings and pitiful punctuation easy to spot, I suppose that is my style, spontaneity rocks I know but I would like to be more compassionate towards anyone who tries to read my scribbling. I been thinking about giving English a rest and learning Spanish from the ground up. Punctuation and all, maybe it will rub off on my English
I Hope your day goes well
>some internet service providers assign you a new
>number every time you log on, though the first 3
>numbers stay the same. This is because every time you
>log on, you're hitting another one of their servers
>which is hosting your session. Some also claim it's
>"for your protection" (aol does anyway) which is sorta
>bogus because every IP# can be traced to the server at
>any time and ultimately traced to the computer you are
>using if anybody wanted to take the time and effort to
>do that.
>but don't worry... no matter what name you post under
>and no matter what IP# you have.... we'd recognize you
>anywhere. LOL!
>>I must have posted under fifty different names, I
>>figured the number thingy would identify me, but it
>>keeps changing.
>>sometimes I feel like a luddite,
>>The more arthur dent travelled around the galaxy the
>>less he knew about anything

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