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Date Posted: 09:46:57 10/23/04 Sat
Author: wretched fool
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Subject: the existential strip tease
In reply to: Lrod 's message, "Talk Sexy to Me" on 08:46:26 10/23/04 Sat

I can't tell much I love that young man, his sexuality so polymorphously perverse. Fortuneately my tribal incest taboo so strong I can't think of him as a "other" a sexual object. I think sexual orientation pretty much an accident of nurture or lack of it, I am sure nature has a part too but "anatomy is destiny" for most of the bell curve, there are those lonely ones at the 1 percent at the tail ends that lead such complicated lives. I feel much blessed to be a simple man, with my eggs in one basket, childhood incident with another kid involving a set of electric trains I wanted to play with, he a goy with the Christmas tree and trains. Haunted me at some preconscious level subconscious? just over the horizon of my thoughts, then one night tripping a strange interlude with a hot dog (kosher of course) I thought oh god I am gay, then I felt like if I was I did not want to be. My experience with gay men the past fifty years mostly work related, one guy in virginia that everybody called that little gay guy behind his back, I like him worked well with him, he was a worker, later he got promoted became my supervisor and he was one of the sanest bosses I have ever had. I suppose I am "A lesbian trapped in a man's body" G. Keilor. I knew another guy in Virginia, one of those people that always have a thousand feuds going, he owned five Ferari's and was always involved in million dollar real estate deals, or so he said. He I had a problem with, he always wanted hugs from me. Kind of stupid to try and factor out one facet of a human being and make a judgement of right or wrong
>I always looked at it as a shortcoming of mine that I
>was not bi-sexual. I love both men and women, but I've
>never been able to make the sexual thing happen with
>men. Maybe I'm a lesbian.
>In my youth I experimented, but (and I don't want to
>sound like a Republican here) I found that there is
>something about the union between a man and a woman
>that is magic. I couldn't get enough of it. But even
>though I could understand the attraction between men,
>it was always a brotherly thing with me. I could never
>make the jump into the sexual realm even though I feel
>love for men. It always left me, shall we say, limp.
>In this presidential election great posturing has
>taken place surrounding Dick Cheney's gay daughter.
>Why? Because it is a primal question that we all ask
>ourselves at some point or another in our lives
>concerning our sexuality. I think that the people who
>freak out over the answers they get when they try to
>answer these questions usually turn out to be the
>Tell me your feelings about the love you have for the
>same or opposite sex and how you express it.

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  • "Yes, I hate him!" repeated Hester, -- Tinker Jack, 10:41:45 10/23/04 Sat (
  • how apt -- hawthorney, 11:13:00 10/23/04 Sat (
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