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>As for Morraine - its possible. I still tend to
>believe that she's alive, in 'Finn Land, and that
>she's going to be rescued by Thom (and probably Olver
>too). The emphasis on Tom reading and re-reading his
>letter from Moraine in Book 10 seem to suggest it
>might happen soon. Not sure how, but the tower of
>Genjdai (OK, can't spell that), looks like the
>probable route. Its been mentioned too many times for
>it never to be used.
>Oh, and as for book 11, I feel I don't really care
>about the wait to be honest. Book 10 was frankly poor,
>and while I hope the next one reclaims former glories,
>I'm no longer desperate for more, like I was earlier
>in the series.
Wow a reply .... I should've checked a bit more often - it seems that we're the only ones here Yurian... when I think of all the time I spent (at work) reading/lurking on Asmodean's BBS back in 1999/2000? it seems a shame that all that discussion and interest has come to this.
Anyway, I think you're probably right about the tower and Moiraine - I just wanted to put something out there to see if anyone would bite.
It's interesting that Mat is the only one who sees this people on his trip to town ... but most people can see the ghosts in So Habor. I think that the breaking of the seals is part of the reason the dead are walking. But I also agree that there is another evil in So Habor (maybe Fain) that is causing the bad smell and the rotten grain. Maybe its because Mat is so far south (away from the Blight) that the others don't see the appartions on the road and since he's died and lived again (according to the snakes or foxes) he's has gained that ability. Just a thought
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