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Subject: A dark gray dappled stallion gallops in and stops without effort.

Kindred Storm
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Date Posted: 20:16:47 09/26/01 Wed

Already a storm cloud is collecting the stallion's anger, and thunder crashes overhead as he glares at Victory. His tail and mane sway in the stormy wind, and his gentle eyes gleam in the darkness. "I have traveled from Paradise Kingdom, where I am the new king. I have come with the intention of returning both Sorrow and Hopeful to my kingdom. I ask this in the request for an easy hand-over, but also in the warning that I will fight for the freedom that was granted to these horses and then so brutally taken away!" He glares at Victory, overwhelmed with a feeling of unfairness and brutallity. He braces himself for a fight, and with his emotions the storm ahead grows. The dark clouds grow together and turn near-black. Thunder rolls increasingly, and lightning strikes a near-by tree, shattering the dead wood but not setting fire. Kindred Storm lowers his head still and his deep black eyes set on Victory.

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