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Date Posted: 11:16:33 01/26/05 Wed
Author: Papa Bear
Subject: Re: Delete mail from OE box folders from inside XPress
In reply to: Niels Halsteen 's message, "Re: Delete mail from OE box folders from inside XPress" on 22:08:08 01/14/05 Fri

Niels wrote: Ihave downloaded Mozella Firefox on my Computer,so why can I not connect with that Browser?


Papa Bear replies:

XPress Pix OE does not depend on the browser that you have installed. Firefox - version Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0 - works fine to connect to the 3bears site directly, to download and install the program, and to connect from the program to its support web sites (such as this forum).

XPress Pix OE does not install any dll's, only its exe and documentation so installing it cannot interfer with other programs. Similarly, it requires only Windows installed with at least Internet Explorer 5. Installing Firefox should not interfer with that. Hence, it should not interfer with the program. (Under no circumstances should Internet Explorer be removed from your PC. Other programs rely on things that are carried along with it. XPress Pix OE relies on its web browser to display AOL ART files.)

If this doesn not answer your question, please clarify what you mean by connect with that browser. Feel free to conact us directly.

Papa Bear @ 3bears.biz

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