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Deadly Desert
Deadly Desert
This territory is nothing but a vast desert. It has no water or food. You're lucky to find an oasis with dead plants and spoiled water. It is great though for drifters who like to wonder and stay in their own territory. Great home for drifting evils.
Stormy Valley

Subject Author Date
Crosby Stills Nash Greatest Hits-addskavenulr23:01:19 01/25/14 Sat
Edwins Restaurant Best Caribbean Feast in CanadaSanita John00:24:32 03/16/12 Fri
Sunglasses? Anyone?Woc Man10:24:23 01/02/02 Wed
Gallops in annoyed and upset (NT)DA07:12:16 08/23/01 Thu
Let's make friendRebecca07:43:40 08/20/01 Mon
*limps in his leg a bit better but not much* (NT)Dark16:52:06 06/09/01 Sat
*she paws around,lloking for anyone..if their was no one seh would move on the another tt* (NT)WolfSong00:41:46 06/09/01 Sat
Everyone READ!!!!!!!!!!Weather Advisor17:34:10 05/16/01 Wed
*a raven flies in* Dark is about to die. *flies out* (NT)Raven12:57:49 05/15/01 Tue
*Walks in and stays on the edge of the tt>>Dark04:05:50 05/14/01 Mon
*the gray mare walks in, her gaze looking around the tt>>Pure Evil11:48:47 05/14/01 Mon
::She paws around boredly:: (NT)WolfSong18:32:40 04/30/01 Mon
I'll be back. *gallops out sinking island* (NT)Dark16:37:06 05/06/01 Sun
*trots in mad* I'm not allowed to go into tt but this one since I live hereDark18:19:19 04/26/01 Thu
...Enters...War Chant15:38:11 04/28/01 Sat
*Victory gallops in*>>>Victory14:38:00 04/28/01 Sat
*rears up in frustration* If that,,,,,,,,,,,Dark19:16:10 04/27/01 Fri
*A large female wold pads in,her nostrils flare* (NT)Wind Song15:15:54 04/25/01 Wed
*gallops back in and lays down*-->>Dark18:11:20 04/22/01 Sun
*gallops in* I'm staying and I'm going to help you get more horses. (NT)Dark09:59:35 04/22/01 Sun
*gallops in* Hello DA. those goodies are chickens -->>Dark18:43:33 04/19/01 Thu
*Dark gallops into the tt. He looks at the 2 mares looking over..>>Dark~ The darkness is rising are you ready?17:29:15 03/26/01 Mon
*looks the stallion over with dark orbs*>>>Pure Evil18:25:39 03/26/01 Mon
AWESOME new rpg game inside!!>>>some117:09:49 03/18/01 Sun
The black mare appears in front of him she snaps at him backing him up<<<DA12:55:29 03/13/01 Tue
*a large black Stallion gallops in* may I stay here *looks the two mares up and down*Alone In The Darqness (aka Darq)17:47:40 03/11/01 Sun
PE are you still here?DA17:45:57 03/09/01 Fri

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