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Date Posted: 06/11/05 3:34:33pm Sat
Mips echoed through the city, and a creature came to stand in the middle of the square. All eyes rested upon it, and the mips fell silent. Two of the same came eye to eye, one just slightly larger than the other.
It was silent for a minute, until mips sounded all over the city, and wyrdlings converged on the larger creature, bouncing and dancing around it. Crimson eyes glanced around before resting on golden ones that sat before him.
Wyrd stared impassively at Aphrodite, surrounded by her brood, which crawled over him, mipping and bounding and dancing around him.
Aprodite approached him, knowing full well this was not the same Wyrd that spawned her, but was Wyrd all the same. His wolven form echoed across hers, and one could scarcely tell them apart. She came to stop before him, only a hair's length from touching noses with him. Crimson eyes blinked blankly, passively. They lacked everything from the former life. The hate, the want for blood. The thirst for death.
She rubbed her muzzle against his, feathers touching for a brief moment. A shiver passed down Wyrd's spine that made the hair there stand up as though bristling before it fell flat against his spine again.
Hello, father.
You've been busy, little one.
Minds touched for a moment, before Aphrodite walked off, leaving the wyrdlings to dance around their grandfather before scattering off into the city again.
Something resonated along Wyrd's spine. Something was calling out to him. He snorted lightly and returned to Myuler.
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