Subject: Where there is one |
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Date Posted: 06/21/05 3:53:07pm Tue
Delicately pointed ears twitched and Cyrus suddenly stopped stroking Emillia's hair. Looking around, his expression turned grim. "Emillia, please do me a favor," he said softly as his hand went to the hilt of the Fia'A'Vell'Turr, "Take the kid, and get out of here."
Emillia looked at him for a moment, her expression puzzled for a moment until she saw what he was looking at. Ith Dakar, in large numbers. Her eyes went wide, and she nodded quickly. "What about you?" she asked suddenly, keeping her cool this time.
"I'll be fine," Cyrus said softly as his sword slid from its sheath, "Go." he said, drawing a nod from Emillia, who, in a blur of mercurial speed, snatched up the small child, Crystal, and leapt into the air, a powerful flap of her wings driving her into the sky.
The three wyrdlings, too, seemed to sense the danger, and were pointed, back to back, in several different directions as the Ith'Dakar slithered forward in a swarm.
The three simultaneously assailed the first of the Ith'Dakar, razor sharp teeth shredding scale and flesh, illiciting screams of pain from the beast as Cyrus, swaying out of the way of venomous spittle, stepped forward to cleanly cut an Ith'Dakar in half, then spin and catch another in the face with an elbow while it was in mid-bite.
The Ith'Dakar, so wounded, staggered back, into the waiting jaws of the wyrdlings, who had just finished with their first kill, while Cyrus slid past three of the Ith'Dakar to impale one on the Fia'A'Vell'Turr, then, removing his sword, burst into a blur of speed after which three of the brutes fell to pieces.
"Hmmph," Cyrus said, then winced as a taloned claw raked across his arm, while others closed in on him. All eyes went to his sword as it went up into the air, while Cyrus went low, diving backwards and down onto his hands, and spinning on them, using the extended reach of long legs to administer a devastating, stunning whirlwind of kicks to everything surrounding him before jumping up to grab the Fia'A'Vell'Turr out of the air, and in the same smooth motion, lop off a serpentine head.
"This is endless," Cyrus said between sword strikes, "I can kill dozens, and it will do no good," he finished, while on the same note slicing an Ith'Dakar from the lowest point of its torso to the top of its throat. An Elbow flew back as he ducked under more venomous spittle, slamming another Ith'Dakar backwards and directly into stormlight's waiting claws, the three wyrdlings having now divided their forces to leap from serpent to serpent.
Another burst of speed on Cyrus's behalf, and another dozen of the humanoid serpents fell, their bodies cut deep by the Fia'A'Vell'Turr's deadly edge.
Wings suddenly snapped open to slice two more apart in a splash of red, then, his sword in hand, he became a whirling tornado of wings and blade, three lethal edges striking constantly, before he made his way to the water.
A thought occurred to him that he could escape, but now, the Wyrdlings were also fighting, and he couldn't leave them, the next thought occuring to him that he could use his water manipulations, yet still, he couldn't risk the Wyrdlings in this battle.
"The hell am I supposed to do?" he asked as he cleaved another Ith'Dakar coming at him in twain before his palm struck another Ith'Dakar in the center part of the torso with the crunch of bone. Water tendrils came out from the lake to grab other Ith'Dakar and drag them in. Cyrus sweated. More water tendrils reached out of the lake to impale more Ith'Dakar still, and his nose bled.
And then, he vanished from the sight of the Ith'Dakar, slipping into their blind spots. And they began to die just that much faster.
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