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Date Posted: 07/ 8/05 5:18:10pm Fri
In reply to:
's message, "sssecond ssstrike" on 07/ 6/05 9:05:45pm Wed
"Woah Emillia, hold up," Cyrus said and practically stopped mid-air. Her scent had changed all of a sudden, drastically. "This isn't good.... -your- scent has changed. Its smelling like an Ith'Dakar's... and its definitely your scent that is changing," he finished, then, once they landed, he put a finger to Emillia's forehead, muttering archaic words Myuler had taught him.
His eyes widened as he blinked, "I'll be damned. Its hard to spot, and if I wasn't looking for specifics I'd miss it... but someone put some kind of spell on you... its really weak, and its directly in your system, but..." he scratched his chin slowly, "I think I can fix it."
A moment's pause, and he blinked a moment, "Emillia, even though I really have to do this? I should warn you... this could be kinda painful, since I'm using the water in your body to flush what they did to you out of your system."
"Pain? Hell no. I'm not gonna let you hurt me to...whatchaever it is you wanna do to me." Emi said, looking worried, the idea of pain not an appealing idea to her at all.
Cyrus sighed, and shook his head, this would take some doing, "Allow me to explain. They did something to you. And if I don't do this, you'll be an Ith'Dakar before you know it... and I'd imagine the change is going to be considerably more painful than what I'm going to do."
"What did they do to me? The thing never touched me...."
"Something targeted you with a spell or something I'd geuss... maybe a powder. I'll check myself out in a bit, but no matter how you look at it, its like a poison," Cyrus said, knowing all of this only because he had recieved other classes from Myuler; as a warrior, he was expected to have to deal with some fairly horrendous offensive magic... including slow curses like this one, "And Emi, I'm saying it could hurt.... I'll do everything in my power so that it doesn't, including using that numbing spell I used when your hands were injured."
"So you're going to dope me up, too? ....this isn't helping you any. You said it was gonna be painful, now you're saying it won't. Make up your mind. I don't want you doping me, and I don't want you hurting me...."
"Emillia, alright. I won't dope you up, and I'll still do my best to make it painless. No -real- change has happened... so... will you let me try, Emillia? I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you."
Emi wrung her hands, veering her eyes off to the side, not liking this at all. She didn't want to change like he said she was going to, but she didn't want him to hurt her, even if he did try his best to make it painless. "Mmmm..."
"It is your choice Emillia, I won't force this on you... but I don't know any other way to fix the problem"
"Mmmm...." She figeted even more, her hands shaking a bit as she wrung them. They were almost home, and she felt even sicker than before. She was scared above all else.
"Emillia, I know you're probably scared of the situation, there is a problem that I can fix. I made a promise to myself... I would always be there for you. Please don't make me walk away from a problem that I have an answer to."
Tears rolled down Emi's face, and she brought her eyes back toward Cyrus. "I don't....want you to hurt me...." It wasn't so much the changing into something nasty that scared her but the propect of someone like Cyrus inflicting pain on her. That scared her the most. It wasn't something she really wanted to risk, even with his soothing that he try could and make it painless. "If I don't let you....and I change into a big nasty...icky snake thing....will you hate me? ......"
"No Emillia, I won't. I will never hate you... I promise you that; but... I still don't want to let it happen."
Comforting words, if only a touch. "I would rather change...than have you inflict pain on me...because I don't want to link pain with your you too much..."
Cyrus blinked a moment, then nodded. "Then we find another way... hey, wait a minute... I know!" Cyrus said, a sudden epiphany hitting, "Dad said he'd never use it, so he gave it to me. He... cried it, when mom vanished, the first time..." Cyrus reached down, and grabbed his sheath, fiddling with some newer looking stitching there.
"Cried? ..." Emi shook her head. "No, it's not important enough to use that....if it's what I think it is..."
"Emillia... it is important enough. Its important to me... and besides, I'm going to phrase my words carefully. It'll benefit more than just you. I promise."
"...if you say so.."
Cyrus finally freed the small gem, a gold gem with a starburst of chrome, from its secured place on his sheathe, and thought for a moment before his eyes lit up. "I wish, that no forgotten could be changed into an Ith'Dakar," he said, hoping it worked. The effect was immediate; the magic that had been placed upon Emillia became inert as the magic, coming in contact with that which it could not effect, dissipated, quite visibly, as did magic that was on the small girl. Johan, far away in Hogoromo, was momentarily unchanged; however, it would be obvious to Myuler what had happened... now Johan could be easily changed back.
Myuler stumbled and used the wall for a moment of support. A large scale wave of magic rushed over the lot of the world, and the feeling of it made Myuler dizzy for a moment. Almost immediately he knew what it was. The ick on his hands disiapted into nothing, no longer a contagion. With a sigh he headed upstairs. The magoc around Johan was already weakened to the point of nothingness, which would have been the next day anyway. Myuler went into the room, and placed his hand on the back of Johan's head. "I can fix it now, if you're ready."
Johan gritted his teeth, and looked directly at Myuler, "I'm ready."
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