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Subject: Lines

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Date Posted: 07/11/05 8:35:21pm Mon
In reply to: Johan 's message, "right then" on 07/11/05 8:28:30pm Mon

"Bees have only one queen."

"One hive, one queen."

"If there is more than one queen, the hive goes mad, and the queens fight till one dies."

"What if the queens did not fight?"

"What if they choose to work with one another?"

"They work through smell. Smell affects the brain."

"Two queens or more could send an entire hive to their doom and they would not question it."

"Because they are blind."

"Blind through smell."

"They were peaceful, once."

"Before the queens."

"They only need one. She lives for hundreds of years."

"But there are 5."

"5 controlling them all."

"1 is young. She is but in her second decade."

"The others come upon their first century mark soon."

"2 are barren, and can no longer lay."

"2 are laying, but their nests are small."

"There is the ancient one."

"She lays, quietly and one egg at a time."

"She nears her first thousand years."

"The youngers use her."

"For all she can produce are queens."

"They keep her from being near males."

"Males she no longer produces."

"They are sisters."

"And they are dangerous."

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listeningJohan07/11/05 8:39:40pm Mon

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