Subject: Edge of Dawn |
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Date Posted: 07/14/05 5:13:40am Thu
Suddenly, there was only twilight for Tyrsis, a beautiful cascading of sensation, as night became day, fell into twilight and begat dawn. The small crystaline chimes echoed thruout the kaeldescopic light that seemed to have texture, could be heard, could be felt by all of the mind's senses.
Yet withing it was a fluxation, a wrongness that spread out like a virus. From that relaxing cocoon of oneness that seemed to ebb out like a tear, came reality.
Yet reality was not so harsh, gentle rainbow hues forming furniture, elegant thick carpets, a blazing fireplace that seemed to sap the weariness, the caution, from the very bones. Paintings, murals, thousands of them seemed to line the walls, suddenly manifesting and changing in her view. Epic tales, both heroic, dark, and romantic played out like small plays for a brief minute as the stone tile floor suddenly fell into place below her feet.
Damuthca was there as well, resting comfortably in a chair, looking with wide eyes at Tyrsis, even as he jumped up from the seat, and ran over to her, taking her in his arms and holding her tightly to his chest.
" love.." He whispered, almost feverishly , small beads of sweat running down his forehead as he buried his face in the curve of her neck. His wings folding behide him bently as his black hair fell over her, but not shielding her view of the man behide them both.
His mask in place, clothed only in a simple garment of dark grey, a belt at the waist , tooled in the celtic designs so loved by the elves, with the rest of the garment flowing about him, giving him a scholarly look as he gazed from behide his mask.
" Glad I am, that you accepted my offer Tyrsis Escalvone. We have much to discuss. " whispered the Emperor, almost smugly it seemed , as if not surprized at all of the result, as he slowly gestured to the three chairs, and slowly sat down at one.
Soon as he fell in his chair, looking all the like of a conquering king, Great banners fell from the heavens, bearing the sigils and symbols of the various Forgotten clans, All of one.
Damuthca slowly, hesitantly, broke away from Tyrsis, looking all the better, minus the sweating from his brow, and went to take his seat, his movements jerky, almost puppet like, despite the fludity of just previous.
The Emperor smiled, all the way to his pointed ears, a jewel running down the tear duct and out of the mask, shattering upon the ground as he slowly began to laugh, full of jovial , full of relief as stress leaves one in a sudden flow, as the answers to all the problems suddenly arrive in concrete form.
The sun shone beautifully, its rays shining upon the world. However, as one, all the birds flew from their perches, screaming it seemed, ending their infinite song as the great flock seemed to fly about, confused.
The other animals, alerted by their avian kin, panicked, and began to flee from whatever they sought to escape, tiny hearts beating terribly fast, nearly impossibly fast, the limits being reached as they fled, burrowed, and escaped.
A sliver of darkness slowly shifted over the sun, a cresent blade of nothingness, as it slowly Eclipsed over Hogoromo, the darkness of a storm falling upon them, yet no rain game, at a great dark eye seemed to stare down at them from heaven.
" We must talk indeed, Tyrsis. "
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