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Subject: *optics sear*

Soul Reaver
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Date Posted: 20:12:46 06/23/02 Sun
In reply to: Attica 's message, "*laughs*" on 17:48:35 06/23/02 Sun

*dial nodding at the last statement, her armor becomes instinctivly hard, scales in perfect alignment, laced back and sturdy. Horns upon her brow were much smaller than those of her mother, but wold still serve their purpose. Keeping pinions promptly tucked, she begins to circle her opponent, protective skin covering eyes, and tail high above her. Much like her mother's, her tail was, except the fact that her mother's tail had stout daggers upon it. Hers, on the otherhand, hand hooks which could pierce the skin easily, but bring Hell went it was time to draw it back...a good amount of flesh would come with it. Some of the hide of the animal she had killed still lingers around the necks of those hooks. Nothing to play with.*

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*smirks*Attica17:16:32 06/24/02 Mon

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