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Subject: *the dame watches her daughter go, golden gaze holding the chuckle her tongue stifled*

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Date Posted: 07:19:33 07/11/02 Thu
In reply to: Soul Reaver 's message, "*she watches them in her usual disgust and youthful boredom*" on 18:42:08 07/09/02 Tue

Youngin's....oh well, she'll learn one day. She'll meet him one of these days, and then she'll learn.

*turning back to the male, her eyes soften radiance of a a golden and crimson sunset, seducing it's onlookers into an unbeatable passion. Sweeping around him, a growling purr hummed in the mast of her throat, as talons gently raked his scales where ever she pleased to place them. Finally settling behind him, her low, sometimes called raspy voice slowly seeped from her lips.*

So...what do you think fate had instore for us?

*placing her strong paws upon his shoulders, she began to administer a just-about-profesional massage*

Kisses....a few dances at the Summer Ball...a little foreplay....what do you think...?

*the crimson's grin was truely wickedly twisted, enticing in their bloody hue; a true demoness she was*

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"Is that an invitation?" he purred, melting under her skillful paws.Azriel10:27:16 07/11/02 Thu

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