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Subject: *Sighs, and lids close over blue and silver orbs* Oh well, I tried.

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Date Posted: 10:41:26 08/13/02 Tue
In reply to: Twilight 's message, "*Swims gracefully in, water parting in a silent, rippling 'V', light shining off blue scales* Hello?" on 19:09:45 08/12/02 Mon

*Eyes open, blue and silver give on last look around. Head dips below clear, cold water, and sinous body follows, light flashing along the blue form. The fan of silver spikes disappears at last into the depths, darkness taking the hues of the dragoness into black. Two cat-like eyes remain visible, looking up at the surface among barely visible river pebbles and seaweed. The eyes study the banks for movement, curious to find someone who will see them at the bottom of the river. Above water, only the occasional bubble gives away the life at the bottom. Each tiny bubble seems to whisper, a small, translucent cloud of sound barely audible over the sound of the running water* twilight... twilight...

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|Curious|Summoner of Light16:50:58 08/14/02 Wed

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