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Date Posted: 20:32:28 10/19/04 Tue
Author: Lilah
Subject: "Siah..." She pleaded anyway, so desperately - he meant the world to her. He had been in her life since she was born, he'd always been around, and since the very day she stopped looking at guys like they were some completely different species, he had been the apple of her eye. Her childhood crush had developed into a deep love that they shared - or she had thought they shared - and she needed to know that he still wanted her. "Please, Josiah, don't leave me.."
In reply to: Josiah 's message, "
Let a dog roam and he'll find his way home
on 19:37:10 10/19/04 Tue

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  • His voice was choked when he finally spoke, his fists clenched at his sides as he swallowed heavily, dropping his eyes down to meet hers. "I did something...something really dumb...Lilah..." His voice was choked and rough, his eyes red and shining even as he spoke to her then. (NT) -- Josiah, 20:35:04 10/19/04 Tue

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