Subject: .-. And the found will speak .-. |
Author: Tarquin
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Date Posted: 20:43:45 12/25/02 Wed
In reply to:
's message, "Seek and you might find {Tarquin!}" on 17:41:25 12/24/02 Tue
From his position on the ground, Tarquin had a limited perception of the sky above as his gaze was fixed below. Thus, when the purple-black-stained brother appears, the young dragon is quite startled and quite literally jumps a foot or two. His brief moment of startlement is owing to, however, not the sudden appearance of his brother (for, he could not see Bob at first try) but the sudden thought that perhaps the voices had returned.
The voices...?
They had been coming to him off and on, sometimes staying for long periods of time, and sometimes short. As it was, the bronze princeling had eventually come to the conclusion that hearing voices was not a good thing. And so, with every second of thought spared for the voices, there also came apprehension - and emotion that was not welcome in the anxious, and often alone, dragon's mind.
As dragons, related or not, had never MindSpoken him before, it was only expected that Tarquin had mistaken Bob at first for the voices: the only things that had ever before MindSpoken him in his entire, short life.
Nevertheless, that mistaken identification was quickly righted with the appearance of Bob - unmistakable, and real. Like Silver Echo, Tarquin immediately recognized Bob through the scorches and burns and other inflictions the older prince had obtained. After all, Bob was Bob.
"BOB!" His blue eyes lit with excitement, the young dragon almost jumped again as he rushed to greet his adored brother. "I'vebeengreat.Imissedyou!Yougotapower?What'sitcalled?Imissedyou!HowwastheOrdeal?Howareyou?" Beaming as happily as the other, he flung himself at his brother, arms extended (as well as wings) for an embrace.
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