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Subject: My two cents

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Date Posted: 18:33:45 01/01/03 Wed
In reply to: Kate 's message, "§ Foe of Lloth §" on 17:48:41 01/01/03 Wed

KK i'm Lyss and not well known by most of the players now present but i have been here since the beging of dragons(when the dragon link first showed up) and i played a 'ness but i forget her name ne way i play Spakinth,Crystals Tear,Hush etc.etc. ok enough of my lifes story

I think we should put a limit on the breeds and there powers,give the regular dragons a chance if they come along a shadow n start fighting.Like dawn has done with raistlin maybe they can have a toll on them for example say that they bring another char back to life maybe that may make then very weak or even kill them....i have kinda made an purty unkown breed called the seers they don't have much power and are only realy mind readers and astronomers,so in other words if another breed is made they don't have 50,000 diff powers and can kill with one touch or something cuz, then, well its just pathetic.

As for making another section i think its a great idea but i have another.....if there is a war with the lights and darks the other breeds are not aloud to get involed because they would have to much of an uperhand....but instead they should have there own wars n battles with the other stronger breeds...for wat eva reason and should keep to there own seperate section in there voy boards or wat eva.

And the watchers also sound like a great idea.



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