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Date Posted: 22:37:33 08/12/05 Fri
Author: mp3majid
Subject: How to RICH simply

“How to earn $17000 on the web.
Step-by-step.,no-cost-no risk! Never spend a dime!.

I thought you might be interested in a simple little exercise that is absolutely FREE,but could make you up to $17000 in just a few weeks!. I know what you are thinking,”Yeah right ive heard that before!.
Well try this it does not cost you ONE CENT. As a matter of fact,you get paid $10.00 just for signing up (no strings attached). With a small amount of effort.you can make $17000
How? You ask.
Just follow the simple steps below.
Listed below are three e-mail addresses and sign up urls.
Sign up under the FIRST URL (the first id),and you will get $10.00 just for joining.
Then send a confirmation e-mail to the third person on the list,put in the subject line “I subscribed under #1.
After that copy this letter ,delete the #1 person,move the other two up and insert yourself at the bottom in the #3 position. (please be sure you type your e-mail and your new Resource-a-day.com url correctly)
If you are already a member of resource -a-day no problem. Each person is allowed two accounts.
Now send this letter to as many people you can until you receive three
e-emails saying…”I signed up under #1”
That’s it only three responses (not 6. or 10 or 20...just three). A short (very short) time later. Each of those 27 people will have 27 people signed up under them an so on. After the fourth level is done. You are $17000 richer.
1 fantasticogiorno@tiscali.it

2 f.miley@ntlworld.com

3 mp3majid@yahoo.com

You have nothing to lose and a lot of money to gain. Just for heck of it go now to the URL under #1 and sign up to get started. You will receive great information from the pros, you get $10.00 for just signing up. And you have tons to gain.
Calculation earnings

Your own sign up $10
First level is 27 times $0.40=$10.80
Second level is 729 times $0.20=$145.80
Third level is 19683 times $0.05=$984.15
Fourth level is 531441 times $0.03=$15,943.23
What is Resource-a-day

The vehicle for our venture is resource-a-day.com. DO NOT GO THERE YET or sign up from there main screen you have to use the first url on the list.

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