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Subject: ± Trial And Error ±

Rebby and Draggies
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Date Posted: 19:27:15 11/07/03 Fri

Hallo there folks! This is Rebby trying out a brand new line of dragons! By the time I'm done here there will be twelve represenitives of twelve of my new breeds featured in my current RPG project I'm trying to set up. I'll send them out in sets of two-four in this thred. Please, if anyone would like to help me out by taking one of these babies by the horns and giving 'um a spin, I'd appreciate it because lord knows twelve is a lot of draggies for one person. Post if interested! Without further adiu, here they be!

All Saudon breeds are genericly marked by an animal that it resembles forever although with time it will begin to look like it's dragon cousins. Saudon differs from the Sian and Syan only in the sence that every single one is a fuzed creature, such as the Capricornus (goat/fish). Most species have wings and are quadroped or triped despite the common aposable thumbs. Male generally have horns, females generally do not, and both genders have a horse like mane(except for the Leoinans and Capricornus I believe).

Age: 96
Breed:Saudon Capricornus
Detailed Description:Capricornus are cursed with the need to be in a snowy or watery area. Argon, being a southern breed, is one adapted for aqua life. His tail is that of a dolphin, in a shade of earie cobalt blue that reflects his eyes. In place of a dorsal fin is a pair of large metalic wings void of all fur like the tail. Forelegs, body and head of a goat mark him, with the fur a polar bear sports and twin golden ram horns sparkling with ruby, saphire, and emerald jewels.
Personality:Creative, determined, and full of love. His strikingly peaceful persona almost seems out of place where he fits in, but his Celtic temper quickly strikes fear into the hearts of all. He needs no one because he doesn't really feel the lust to have anyone need him. This lonesome dove willingly rises to battle because of his mother's death from depression. The bastard son of a noble, Argon has always known his place, and that one day his father's death would aid his family little. Ever sense he has opposed authority with brute force, always craving nothing but his own sense of dignity and freedom.
Light or Dark?:Unknown

Age: 3 months
Breed:Saudon Leoinan
Detailed Description:At present, he resemble a lion cub of charcol black fur and savage green eyes...never mind the transparent twin clumsy wings 'pon his back. Belly is like that of a snake in coverage and as pale as the full moon. With age, a lion's mane will don his proud crania and the face of an oriental dragon shall be his. With age, his black velvet will yeild to a bronzed set of scales but never shall his lion body and tail and neck fade, for that is all that differs him from his presecor, the Sian Peralisk.
Personality:Nobility is that of the quieted child who sits calmly across the room as his parents create a squall of curses. Nobility is the soldier who feels grief for the man he must kill. Cobalt will practice nobility and humility for the remainder of his days.
Light or Dark?:light

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