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Date Posted: 20:34:34 02/06/05 Sun

2005 Ultimate Miss Tri-State Winners

Ultimate Elite Supreme: 0-3 Miss Paloma Barongan
4 & Up Miss Alyson Whited

Ultimate Grand Supreme: 0-3 Miss Phoenix Marshall
4-9 Miss Skylar Griffith
10 & Up Miss Candice Cook

Ultimate Mini Supreme: Miss Lindsey Rose

Ultimate Novice Supreme: Miss Andee’Patton

Ultimate Sweetheart Supreme: Miss Karrie Powers

Ultimate Princess Supreme: Miss Meagan Blagg

Ultimate Rising Star Supreme: Miss Madison Bohnert

Ultimate Face Supreme: Miss Phoenix Marshall

Buddy & Me Supremes: Miss Andee’ Patton &
Miss Paloma Barongan

0-12 Ultimate Division Supreme: Miss Isabella Blagg

2 Year Ultimate Division Supreme: Miss Allie Ramey

3 Year Ultimate Division Supreme: Miss Harliegh Clark

7-9 Year Ultimate Division Supreme: Miss Chloe Hayes

0-3 Overalls

Overall Most Beautiful: Miss Paloma
Overall Best Personality: Miss Andee’
Overall Most Photogenic: Miss Paloma
Overall Best Dressed: Miss Andee’
Overall Rising Star: Miss Phoenix
Overall Best Outfit of Choice: Miss Paloma
Overall Judges Favorite: Miss Paloma

4 & Up Overalls

Overall Most Beautiful: Miss Alyson
Overall Best Personality: Miss Skylar
Overall Most Photogenic: Miss Alyson
Overall Best Dressed: Miss Candice
Overall Rising Star: Miss Karrie
Overall Best Outfit of Choice: Miss Candice
Overall Judges Favorite: Miss Chloe

We would like to personally congratulate each contestant, without you the pageant would not have been such a success. Each of you were absolutely beautiful today, and we hope you had a great time!
Check out the website in a few days for pictures of our winners and our upcoming pageants… www.geocities.com/misstristatepageant

Henrietta & Kendra

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