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Subject: Market Your Business With Million Dollar Sizzle Bills

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Date Posted: 19:03:42 11/17/06 Fri


Have you heard of sizzle cards? Traditional sizzle cards are generally a business-sized card with a bright-colored background. They usually contain a short, attention-getting message and a toll-free number or web site address.

To use sizzle cards, you place them everywhere you go; for example:

* Place on ATMs
* Place on gas pumps
* Place in magazine and books in the store
* Put them on car windshields
* Stick them to bulletin boards
* Leave them on mall benches
* Hand them to people

The list goes on, but for them to work, you have to get a bunch out there.

It's a fact that sizzle card marketing works, but I have developed a sizzle card that will get noticed and is guaranteed to get picked up. Chances are, it will never be thrown away and it will be shown to others, giving you more exposure.

It's called the Million Dollar Sizzle Bill. It looks and feels like real money, but it has your sizzle message or contact information on the back.

To get a better understanding, visit my web site at:



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