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Date Posted: Mon, Oct 02 06
Author: Kenny B
Subject: Go Deeper

There are times in the life of every serious Christian where it becomes important to re-evaluate how effective one is when it comes to doing what we are called to do, namely – the things outlined in the Great Commission (Refer to Matthew 28:19-20). Equally important, I believe it is essential to consider why we act the way we do in accomplishing that end.

Why is it that most mission trips are, predominately, taken by groups of individuals that have virtually no understanding of the culture in which they visit? (Culture: the language, values, beliefs, traditions and customs that a group of people share and learn.) Why is it that we, American Christians, typically go to foreign countries and impose our culture on them? How many of your American friends have the ability to speak a foreign language fluently? Yet, ask the same question outside of this country and you would be surprised at the answer. It is quite remarkable.

So what does this have to do with the Great Commission, you ask. Well, let me help someone here today. Let me throw out a couple things and then I’ll be through. First of all, if you don’t embrace and participate in cultures that are different than your own, you will never be very effective at displaying Christ’s love and fulfilling, on a much grander scale, what Christ has commanded us to do to/for all people. If all your friends, look, talk, have similar backgrounds and do what you do, then you are not cultured. You are simply perpetuating a lifestyle of comfortableness which leaves little room for growth and understanding of how big God of the nations (not just America/your church/your ethnicity) really is.
Secondly, I have become increasingly troubled by the popular ‘Christian’ notion of evangelism (a.k.a. “reaching out”). All too often, I find that it has become more about targeting people as projects and putting on a good show as opposed to being authentic. People are real and they are human. Everyone responds to things differently. Yet one thing can be sure, we all notice when someone is being genuine and when they are not. Another thing, the people you come across or target (and I hope not) may not be looking for religion. Are we to respect, love or be there for them any less? Of course not! It is not our job and has never been our job to impose on another individual. On the contrary, it is our job, to plant the seeds of genuine love and let Christ do what He may, whenever He may. Time and time again throughout the Gospels, I find Jesus meeting people where they are in life and even still, He allows them to call out to Him, touch His cloak to be healed, and so on…I cannot recall of a time where He imposed Himself on them.

The Great Commission— Is it a matter of doing just to do or an outflow of the heart?


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