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Date Posted: Wed, Nov 15 06
Author: Kenny B
Subject: Bring Back the King

Tragedy: Bring back the King
Lessons from David (2 Samuel 19:1-15)
Notes taken from Pastor C.B. Akins Sermon

It does not matter how long you’ve been in church, or how good a Christian you are, there are always and always will be some moments that just about sink our ship. If we are honest some events have nearly cancelled our future. And there will continue to be some days when our spirit feels as though it is about to jump off a cliff, and the rest of us is ready to say, “Wait for me.”
It’s not a question of not being saved, or not being a member of the faith community. It’s not a question of trusting or not trusting in God. Faith does not take away the realities of life. Faith does not alleviate problems and concerns. It does not erase and cancel all our worries. On the contrary, faith responds to your worry. And when faith responds, it tells you that another voice is gonna’ talk to you from above. And it’s going to help you handle, somehow, what you know you cannot handle by yourself.
Faith and fear live in dialogue with one another. You will not live on this earth and not have some worries, fears and concerns. There will be some moments when you feel shaky, rocky, and afraid. It is in those moments when faith arises to talk to the other side and to help you handle you. Faith comes to help you handle what it is that you know you can’t handle by yourself. And to say to you no matter what is going on God is still in charge.
Even blessed folk have to admit that sometimes life gets a little rough…you make two steps forward, you get knocked three steps back. If you don’t get knocked back you get held back. If you’re not held back, you’re set back. When life hands us a bad situation, one of the first things we want to do is start analyzing ourselves. We start lookin’ to see where we went wrong. What did I do to put myself in this kind of situation? Why is this happening to me?

It’s happening to you because you are alive. Did I bring this on myself? If you got everything you brought on yourself you would have been dead a long time ago!

The same God that blesses will also lift us up when we go through trials. In every life some rain must fall and we’ve gotta’ learn how to survive the bullet that seems to have our name on it. Moreover, some of us focus on what we’re going through so much we forget we have value. We get so caught up in the pain of our problems, until we remember that God has put value in us that someone is trying to draw on…When you determine that you will have a bright future, the tide starts to turn.
And remember:

* God can use the very folk who did you wrong to turn around and bless you.

3 Lessons to learn when going through a tragedy:

1) Tragedies give us a dim view of life.
a. There are some things that happen we’ll never forget.
b. Bad situations melt our veneer and cause us to see ourselves in a whole new light.
c. Tragedies make us abandon our own pseudo-strength and look to God for some real strength.
d. We realize that if God does not hold our hand, we’ll never make it through our dark valley. If God does not guide our feet we’ll stumble over every obstacle in our way.

2) Tragedies leave us with serious disappointments.
a. Everything doesn’t come back like it was before. Some pieces will be left hanging.
b. God will give us the grace to live with scars. Meaning He will give us the strength to continue on despite the scars.
c. The disappointment that almost took you out will make you stronger. Now you can praise God on a whole new level.

3) Tragedy will try to make you doubt the goodness of God.
a. I’m bruised, scarred and my life has been forever changed, but I’m still here; I have not been defeated.

The only way to cope with tragedy is to bring back the King.
When the storms of life are raging, you gotta’ bring back the King.
When your tears are falling in the midnight hour, you gotta’ bring back the King.
When you feel like you’re outta’ tears,
When pain seems to be your constant companion,
When loneliness seems to have set up residence at your address,
It’s time to bring back the King.
If you’re gonna’ make it through the next tragedy, you gotta’ bring back the King.

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