~*Dove's mocha occuli never leave his. Muscles tensed, vix readies herself for an attack. Optics gleam, smirk permanantly placed on her coral maw*~
~*She lies in wait for him to draw near. As he does, dove whips around, weight shifting easily. Her rear nails fly towards his chest, aiming with a surprising accuracy. Back poles touch down onto the terra, body shifts backwards so that she faces him again. Maw is placed back on her chest, ears plastered to gleaming tiara. Backing a few steps, dove surveys the situation. She, too, starts stalking around, swift poles giving way to smooth, calm gait. She watches him, her boa stretched to her chest, and a sharp snort flies from coral nares. Muscles bunch under gleaming pelt, filled with adreneline. She grins ever-so-slightly again, enjoying the rush of battle. It had been a year or two since her last, but her skills and experience have never faded away. Nay, they were stored deep within her frame, and she was eager to release them yet again*~
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