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Date Posted: 08/ 4/04 8:09am
Author: Elven
Subject: .:I Suppose that's only Fair:.
In reply to: Aliéné 's message, "::-:What can I say? I came forwarned. :-::" on 07/29/04 12:53pm

There it was. His reply shattered the fragile remnants of her heart to send the glittering fragments hurling into oblivion. A shuddering sob wracked her dove gray body, rippling the muscles and disturbing the placement of her coarse mane. She had known, somehow she had known. So why had this hurt so much? Perhaps it was because now she could no longer hold any secret hope that she'd been mistaken, because now there was irrefutable proof that The Sandman hadn't been true to his professed feelings for her. The memory of his declaration blew through her mind like a hot, dry wind, bitter and mocking as those endearing words left his tongue. Elven, I love you... It had all been a lie from the start, the proof of that stood before her. And now, that proof was leaving. Startled, the mare emitted a sharp whistle, her dark eyes almost pleading with him to return. Only now the dame had become aware of the stallion's own guilt and her conscience would not let him depart until she'd at least tried to assuage his misplaced emotions. Once more she emitted that clarion call, noble features veiled by ebony and ivory locks.

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