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Date Posted: 08/14/04 6:31pm
Author: Iron Butterfli
Subject: s p i r i t [Hex and/or Takara]

What a difference, to go from the frigidness of her home, to the warm and sunny Isle. Picking her way through sand instead of snow on raven clad stilts, the steel gray banshee eyeballed the surrounding terra. So this is where the Royals made their home. They had it easy. The mare was rather harsh, her dark chasims held a wicked gleam. The silver maiden picked up a three beat lope, long strides carrying her farther onto the Isle. The large Thoroughbred was seeking out the king and queen, or either or. She had an idea. A fairly good idea. She slid to a stop, holdin gracefully for her unusually large form. She stood stalk still, raven hock kisser fluttering in the breeze. She wished not for anyone else to approach, only the ones she was seeking.

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