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Date Posted: 08/17/04 4:30pm
Author: Veiled Shadows
Subject: /veiled. to. shadow.\
In reply to: Curse 's message, "PErhaps I Am Not Reconized" on 08/17/04 3:28pm

The smoky minx watched the stallion coal orbs inquisitive. Proud skull tilted a fraction when he first spoke. "Morning.." again her vocals touched the air from charred labrum. Thorns pricked forward when he spoke again her head tilting to one side studying him more closely. She paused for a moment saying nothing to the stag but finding the right words for her opinion. "I'm not sure exactly why they would or wouldn't I suppose it all depends on the nature of the beast who is doing the looking. Personally everyone rates the same to me until I get to know them, only then is the light I look at them in changed." She nodded partially to herself agreeing to the words she just spoke. Her curiosity of him increased with the nature of his question. Perhaps he was a dark in the midst of the Light lands but she didn't know anyone well enough around here to tell. "I suppose years of mistrust to an opposite force would earn any creature who chooses to side with the opposite a look of mistrust or worry." Again she paused but quickly spoke again. "Again though it depends upon the one doing the looking." She offered the steed a partial smile still pondering over his question. Her position shifted and she realized she had yet to offer a name or receive one. "I'm Veiled Shadows by the way.. or Veiled. Might I have a name in which to cal you?" She was polite if occasionally distant from others. Her voice though soft had an underlying current of sternness, which was her nature. In the times of relaxation her more harsh tones were subdued and her voice and posture more relaxed.

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