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Date Posted: 09/28/04 7:47pm
Author: Nasuada
Subject: *~* It's the honest ones you have to watch out for *~*

With weary steps, she stepped over the border, entering Paradise Isle. Large eyes took in the scenery, nostrils flaring as a snort was heard; she silently appreciated the peaceful surroundings.

Sunlight played upon her smooth coat, a hue of chestnut with white stockings and a crooked blaze.

With ease, she floated into a easy canter, her movement free, steps light. Going farther into the territory, she downsized to a graceful sliding stop, as dark brown eyes spotted other equines.

Delicate frame held in a dignifed manner, she raised her dished head, letting out a clear whinny, announcing her presence to those ahead of her.

As a faint breeze passed, lightly tossing her flame colored mane, she let out a soft nicker, and although she remained still, dark eyes gazed 'round, fondly reminding her of a past life in a home such as this one.

*~* It's the honest ones you have to look out for *~*

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