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Date Posted: 11/ 4/04 6:23pm
Author: Carrie
Subject: Another tearful goodbye
In reply to: Krista 's message, "Aww! Bye Linz!!" on 11/ 4/04 4:55pm

In addition to Linz's news of departure, the time has come for me to finally announce what has been inevitable for so long. Notorious Reputation, Genesis, Hexed, and Midnight Promise will no longer be seen around Cascade Mountains. At the moment, I'm trying to keep the muse for one character, and one character only here, and it is an uphill battle. It is so hard so say goodbye, but the sad truth is that I've been gone for a long, long time, and this is merely the formal acknowledgement of what everybody already knew.

I second Linz's decision to appoint Swift as Queen for Paradise Isle. I have RP'ed with Megan, albeit for a short time with my remaining character Insatiable, but I have a hearty respect for her skills and believe that she will do a wonderful job here. I had planned on appointing a stallion to replace Hex, but I think that Megan and Swift will do just fine. Megan, the position of King is yours to appoint.

For those that have challenged for this territory, I had made an agreement with Marty at the beginning of my absence that SKB and PI would be protected from challenges, pending the decision to pass leadership to another. All of this information can be checked with Marty, and I'm sure her judgement still holds.

I appreciate everybody who made Paradise Isle and CM as a whole what it was, and the ones who will take it into the future. It has been a good three years, but it is finally time to hand over the proverbial reins and let someone else lead. Thank you all for making my stay here enjoyable.

I can always be reached via AIM at BelleCKM.

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