Date Posted:08:49:00 06/01/02 Sat Author: person Subject: >< In reply to:
's message, "ok everybody>>>" on 15:52:53 05/31/02 Fri
ok...first he killed Windstar over a stupid tt. we know it is just a dice role, but for the characters he had killed a much loved and much respected stallion. everyone knew windstar, i mean like everyone. he was kind of a link. but sun catcher is just ooc arguing and being a pain. i mean duh, what did you expect, everyone to roll over and be like yes master. plus even in character the stallion is very egotistocal and arrogant. he tells every mare that they are his mate and he has like two alphas. and any stallion that just comes into the tt he is like i am the king and this is mine get out...blah blah blah. and technically he isnt even a king he is an alpha. i mean i know it says king and all, but isn't like the king. a lot of people are getting very upset about this, i being one of them.