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Date Posted: 00:49:18 02/28/11 Mon
Author: Adam Fleck (adam Fleck)
Subject: Resolutions

Hello Colorado Cinderella

Here it is the end of February already (WOW!) and I was thinking about New Years resolutions, or any resolutions for that matter. Why is it that so often the resolutions we make end up fizzling out before we have accomplished what it is we set out to do? Perhaps it is because our focus is on achieving immediate results for something that takes time to change, improve, or overcome. When we focus on our end goal, we can become frustrated at how long it seems to take to achieve that goal. A couple of definitions for the word resolution are:

a formal expression of opinion or intention


the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.

Resolutions can seem daunting when viewed as an intention or course of action that lies somewhere “out there” in our future. Now if your intention or course of action is to get up and turn off a light, your result is pretty immediate. But what if your resolution is weight loss or saving money, better grades or working out, volunteering or learning a language. All of these tasks can seem daunting, not only because of the time frame needed to achieve them, but also because of what we may have to give up to achieve the desired results. And because we often don’t see results immediately, we tend to give up or find excuses as to why it will never work. However, if we use a different form of the word resolution, and choose to be resolute in our actions, it makes what we are doing much more immediate, which in turn offers a more immediate sense of accomplishment. Resolute is defined:

firmly resolved or determined; set in purpose or opinion.


characterized by firmness and determination, as the temper, spirit,
actions, etc.

So, whether it is counting calories, refraining form unnecessary luxuries, the time it takes to study more, working out, volunteering, or learning a new language, if we determine what is needed day to day, and are resolute and work though those actions on a daily basis, you will be well on your way to accomplishing anything you set out to do. It is truly amazing that these small changes in our focus can make such a big difference in achieving all that we want to achieve.

Let’s not wait until weeks before your pageant, if there is anything I can do to help you achieve your goals, don’t hesitate to contact me at the number, e-mail, or website below, it is a pleasure. If you are on facebook, be sure to “like” my More Than the Crown page. I am always putting up ideas and information that may be helpful along your journey.

I wish you all the best.

Adam Fleck

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