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Date Posted: 03:30:14 07/15/11 Fri
Author: Adam Fleck
Subject: Internationals are just around the corner

Hello Colorado Cinderella ladies

Wanted to let those interested in coaching during the week of internationals know that my remaining time slots are filling up quickly. If you have any questions as to what the week entails, don't hesitate to contact me. Depending on my schedule, hourly sessions MAY be available, and those will definitely book up fast. Also, for those looking to sharpen up before they depart, I’m doing a lot by Skype and telephone. Please e-mail me at, or feel free to call me to book your time. Looking forward to seeing those of you who are competing in Las Vegas.

On another note, I've been posting thoughts and ideas on the More Than the Crown face book page. If you are not already a fan, take a moment to do so. If you have no idea who I am and what I do, (is that possible :-) please go to the the More Than the Crown website and poke around. And remember, if you have any questions at all, call me, I am happy to lend any guidance I can.

I wish you all the very best.

Adam Fleck

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