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Date Posted: 22:14:45 05/31/14 Sat
Author: Adam Fleck
Subject: It's been a long time

Hello all of you Cinderella gals

Where did the first five months of the year go? Some of your state pageants have come and gone, while others are right around the corner. I was hoping to get this out sooner, but I was out at the Pennsylvania Bootcamp a few weeks ago preparing them for their state pageant last weekend. Of the those there who brought me on to their teams, there was a talent, two, beauty, and four overall crowns! Way to go ladies! Next I'm on my way out to Rhode Island to prepare some of their girls for internationals. While I continue working with these delegations over the next several weeks, I will do all I can to make myself available for those of you who want to prepare interview, talent, and introduction. I am looking forward another fun filled week in Las Vegas where many of the girls I've worked with in the past have done quite well, including your reigning International Teen and the two before her. I will be taking on a limited number of people for that week, so those interested please contact me as soon as possible, as those slots should fill quickly.

Wishing you all the best.

Adam Fleck

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