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Subject: Re: Greetings!

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Date Posted: 16:05:19 10/13/01 Sat
Author Host/IP: ACAFF7EF.ipt.aol.com/
In reply to: Dierdre 's message, "Greetings!" on 15:21:01 09/22/01 Sat

> I'm new here, and I just wanted to stop by for a
>second and say hello! *Smiles and waves at everyone*

Nice to meet you, Deirdre. Are you Irish or just a fan of that old show "Mystic Knights"?

>Okay, I've got a completely pointless question to ask
>you all. What's your favorite Beast Wars character,
>and why? *Sees the weird looks people are giving her*
> Whaaaaat? I'm just curious!

Personally, I'd have to pick the original Dinobot for the cool warrior-type, Rattrap for comic relief, all the cats (except for Tigerhawk), Terrorsaur, Rhinox (whom I've written about in my own series) and--my personal fav--Black Arachnia.

>My favorite character happens to be Dinobot. Not an
>original choice I know, but I don't care. You just
>gotta love a bot with a vile disposition and such a
>cool beast mode! *Smiles and hugs her stuffed toy

The orignal DB or the TM2 version?

>By the way, if you want, check out my fanfic at
>www.ivynajspyder.com. It's under the name Dierdre and
>the title is 'The Stranger'. Feel free to send me
>comments. It's my first fic after all, and I need all
>the help I can get!

Okay, I'll take a look see.

>Well, that's all for now people. Goodbye! *Smiles one
>last time, winks and then walks away*
C-ya! ^.~

>//Remember the Towers//

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Re: Greetings!Dierdre05:28:59 10/15/01 Mon

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