Subject: Re: Remember me? Some corny ranting and a few poems |
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Date Posted: 20:29:23 02/23/02 Sat
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
's message, "Remember me? Some corny ranting and a few poems" on 16:13:43 02/23/02 Sat
>Yes, I am alive. I am the raptor that was thought dead
>but I'm alive, both in body and, now, in spirit. I am
>the raptor that has defied death and will continue to
>fend it off until imposed upon my being by an outside
>force of which I have no control over. I no longer
>fear death, no, but nor will I wish for it. Ever. I
>choose to win, therefore I choose to fight. And such
>battles leave no room for a lasitude of which I have
>displayed over the past year or so. The fatigue of
>body and mind is gone now.
>On Superbowl Sunday, 2/02/02 I reached an incredible
>dispair, one of two, perhaps three, all time lows in
>my life. I still bare the scars. Mental and physical.
>But something happened the past few days. Something
>I'm still unsure of. And yesterday I had an epiphany.
>And that afternoon I regained my poetic tounge. Today,
>the revelation was reinforced by several things. And I
>realize that I CAN still write, and draw, and do
>anything else I want. And this raptor, as long as she
>draws breath, will always refuse to ingratiate myself
>with the 'norm' and will resist all limitations and
>restrictions enforced upon me. I refuse all
>constraints. Call me seditious if you want, I'll
>merely take it as a compliment. Once again, however,
>I'll refuse all feelings of hopelessness, and any
>other emotional weakness. Physical too, if I can.
>I'll never let myself fall into such a unshakable and
>near suicidal pit of hell again. I'm my old,
>unwavering self...
>Though there are some things, like BWA and losses
>associated, that I will always be deeply saddened by.
>Sorry for my miasma of drivel, and belive I am
>thoroughly embarassed, but it was something I had to
>get off my chest. Let me epiate with some poems I
>never thought I'd see again, but have refound:
>If You Only Knew
>By Velociraptor
>Dedicated to my mother and father, and every other
>adult out there who just doesn't understand...
>If you only knew how many people cried
>The day the noble warrior died,
>Would you still say what you do today,
>Or would you have a tear to wipe away?
>If you only knew what a brave stand he made,
>Fighting for the future, coming to our aid,
>Do you feel you would silently weep,
>While still cheering him on in your heart deep?
>If you only saw him there, laying on the jungle floor,
>After he fell, after he gave his final roar,
>I think that you too would stop and stare,
>And after a moment you too would start to sob, then
>If you only knew the great warrior’s sacrifice,
>And his last words spoken in that valley paradise,
>Tears of joy and sorrow would fill you eyes,
>Running down your face of stunned surprise.
>If you only knew how the funeral looked in the soft
>rays of twilight,
>With the sun setting behind, shadows stretching on
>into the night,
>(NB: The above poem I finished off the computer. After
>what seems like an eon of emotional lassitude, my mind
>is numb and I can't remember the ending I chose. I'll
>sort through my papers to see if I can find it...)
>Dinobot's Death
>The wind caresses his back,
>As he stands and faces his destiny.
>His fate has been thrust upon him,
>In ways one cannot imagine.
>The question that once haunted his being,
>To be or not to be,
>Has been answered: yes,
>He can change his future,
>As well as the futures of others,
>But at what cost?
>Yes, he has a choice,
>Yet how ironic he has none.
>Thus he stands and faces his destiny
>With courage and honor and nobility
>Prepared to fight for what is right,
>Prepared to give his life for what seems bright.
>The sun sets, there’s blood in the sky,
>The fight begins, there’s blood in his eye.
>Evil has descended onto the valley paradise,
>Destroying all the peaceful inhabitants in their wake.
>“I am a warrior, let the better be joined,”
>(NB: The above I wrote over two years ago [has it
>really been that long?] in my biology class durring a
>very boring slide show. As soon as my burden of school
>work and other responsiblities let up, I'll look into
>polishing and finishing it if anyone likes it.)
>A dark cloud has appeared in the sky
>Casting long shadows of grief across the land,
>As now we begin to sob and cry,
>Emotions sinking us down like quicksand.
>We shall weep all day,
>For you, for your family, for you friends.
>Your memory will never fade away,
>It shall last even after time ends.
>Words cannot describe how we felt about you,
>Nor can they describe how we’ll now feeling,
>As we try to struggle on, stumbling through
>This time of despair, as the world is reeling.
>Though we continue to grieve on,
>Your flame is now in heaven burning brightly,
>So now we will be strong,
>As we cling to your memory tightly.
>Please, lord, rest her beautiful soul,
>And give us the strength and courage needed,
>To never let her memory go,
>And for us to go on unheeded.
>(NB: The above, "Grief" was dedicated to Dilophosaur.
>I even read it to my english class. I don't mean to
>bring back painful memories; I just don't want to let
>her spirit die, especially after Jennifer of BWA
>deleted her fics.)
>As mentioned, I've been under a heavy burden of work
>and responsibility. If it ever lets up, I'll consider
>renewing my series and other stories.
>Thank you for your time.
>Higashi no Hiryuu
Great poems!
*crying* That...was...beautiful *sob*
SolarBlaze(HDW) A.K.A. a Dinobot fan.
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