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Subject: Canadian weather (ADPMarch-070309)

Muhammad Shoaib
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Date Posted: 22:47:53 03/16/09 Mon

Most of Canada has four distinct seasons:
spring, summer, autumn and winter.
The temperatures and weather in each season can be different from one part of the country to another. Here is what you can expect.
Spring is a rainy season in most parts of Canada. Daytime temperatures rise steadily, but the nights remain cool. Averagedaytime temperatures are about 12°C in March, April and early May.
Summer officially begins on June 21, but July and August are summer for most Canadians. In summer, the weather is very warm in most parts of the country. In southern Canada, daytime temperatures are normally above 20°C and can sometimes rise above 30°C.
The autumn season, or fall, as it's often called, begins in September. The weather cools and the leaves on many trees change colour and fall to the ground. It can also be very rainy at this time of year. In some parts of Canada, especially northern or mountain regions, snow may begin to fall by late October. Average daytime temperatures are about 10°C to 12°C in most of the country. The autumn months are September, October and November.
During the winter months (December, January and February), the temperature in most of the country usually stays below 0°C, day and night. Temperatures in some parts of the country periodically drop below -25°C, while along the West Coast, the temperature rarely drops below 0°C. In most of Canada, snow will be on the ground from mid-December to the middle of March. The higher in elevation and the farther north you go, the longer and colder winter becomes.
If you arrive in Canada in the winter, you will need warm clothing such as insulated, waterproof boots; an overcoat; a scarf for your neck; a hat that covers your ears; and gloves or mittens. If you come from a warm climate, buy some winter clothes before you leave for Canada, if possible. Or, be ready to buy winter clothes soon after arriving (note also that winter clothes are more expensive than summer clothes). You may wish to contact an immigrant-serving organization in your new community for help.
Visit: <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/climate.htm">http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/climate.htm</a>

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