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Date Posted: 08:32:02 09/16/09 Wed
Author: pastor lewis


September 16, 2009

Voice of America News reports: “U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that Iran must address concerns about its nuclear program ‘head on’ when it meets diplomats from six world powers early next month. Senior diplomats from the five permanent U.N. Security Council member countries and Germany, the P5+1, are to meet Iranian nuclear negotiator Saaed Jalili at a still to be announced venue on October 1.

Clinton is serving notice on Iran that despite its assertions that the nuclear issue is closed, it will have to deal with the matter ‘head on,’ and that Washington is not willing to take part in talks with Tehran that go nowhere.

The Secretary's comments were her first public remarks on the issue since Iran agreed on Monday to accept a five-month-old proposal from the P5+1 to meet senior diplomats of the Big Power grouping.

Clinton said Iranian statements notwithstanding, the United States and its partners will raise the nuclear issue at the October 1 meeting, which is expected to be held at a venue in Europe or Turkey…”

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