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Subject: voice of god

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 10, 01:56:00amPST

My name Amideo.I am elected for the great purpose.Some time back I tried to commit suicid, but at me have failed...I cut to myseif veins and laid on a snow bleeding profusely, four hours. First it was dark, then I have seen bright light which came narer to me witn impossible speed.Flash. I was lit up with bright white light and I have heard a voice of the god. He has told " your time has not come yet, come back in the world and execute my assigment. I allow to you authority. Suicide is a sin and I against it, but in the world there comes time of distemper Therefore I want to commute a penalty suicides, construct a temple in my honour. Let each person decided to commit suicide, before death will offer money for construction of a temple. Such soul will be innocent and after death of a body will find execution of desires".I at will of the god, begin construction of a great temple, it will be in Siberia because it should be far from a civilization.Death it not the end it only the beginning, and to everyone to solve what this beginning will be.

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The name of bank-SBERBANK
Number of the account-42307.840.1.4037.0000248

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Re: voice of godgreendesignTuesday, November 17, 02:25:00amPST

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