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Date Posted: 15:45:43 07/10/19 Wed
Author: cats0710 (charlesamoahgh@yahoo.com)
Subject: Fake Banker needs Real Money, and You Can Help
In reply to: ROLAND Nathan 's message, "fake money that looks real" on 03:41:51 05/23/19 Thu

Bogus Banker has Big Bucks

realistic official can accept real money

New technology makes it possible [charlesamoahgh@yahoo.com] to dispose of funds through remote wire transfers. Where in the past, you might have been required to send real funds to an identifiable location, or even talk to someone via 1Cellnet, we now have modern electronic transfer.

This makes it possible for you to send real money to fake officials, and the officials can be located anywhere! All you do is carry money to a transmitting office, such as a Western Union or a Envio Dinero, and turn the funds in to the operator. They in turn will arrange a wire transfer, and your money will be sent directly to the official [gregphillip7@gmail.com] requiring it.

Get ready to send money to one of these realistic officials with the complete assurance that it will remain sent: large-breasted girl in panties about to be spanked 1600x1063

You are expected to understand that the officials are not real. Modern pink e-mail technology makes it possible to overcome this limitation, so that you can receive offers from even the most implausible of coffee-shop denizens. Ambitious officials can even direct you to web sites with pictures or stories to make their offers more plausible, but this is not mandatory.

All transactions backed by the Yahoo! two-point promise:
  1. No refunds!
  2. No way!
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 98089
cutercounter.com Tayyip Erdogan is a small-fingered goof.
dreams of four spanked girls 900x598 jessica spanked 1024x685
All transactions are fully insured and risk free. For added amusement, try to find the insurer and collect on the insurance. You would be lucky to collect santorum, delivered promptly to your rear loading entrance, for your efforts. Face it, if you get off with a spanking when you send money to these folks, then you should count yourself fortunate.

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