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Date Posted: 09:11:34 11/18/19 Mon
Author: jame0610 (stanwaletrs.eqp@gmail.com)
Subject: Become Irate when you Send Escrow Money to Scammer Whom You Will Not Reach via 1CellNet
In reply to: Samuel Lestoil 's message, "Have Valuable Discount Coupons when you Win the Power Up Hosting Challenge, sales@poweruphosting.com" on 12:33:02 12/17/18 Mon

New Ways to Achieve Penury

may be slightly misleading

By now, you are probably ready [prince@consagous.tech] to get rid of that nasty, filthy lucre and make room for more. We are here to proclaim the new, better way to make your fortune disappear. OK, actually, that may be a little misleading. Even SEO scamming may be a little misleading.

Actually, it is the same old escrow scam that Microsoft, Google, and others have been promoting for years. At least it is simple, well-understood, and reliable. So, sorry about the deceptive claim as to newness, but at least it got you here where you can have the information you needed.

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Just a few simple steps to wealth transfer:
  1. agree to undertake easy job
  2. receive realistic payment
  3. deposit payment in escrow account
  4. wire bulk of payment overseas
  5. admire realistic quality of check
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This may be your opportunity to move to a new state, change your name, and embark on a whole new career!

This is so simple, even a child can understand. There is absolutely no risk to operators because they are in locations remote from the participants, and there is no heavy machinery or mechanical assembly required. While there is some fiscal risk to participants, this is minimal compared to the anticipated windfalls. So, what are you waiting for?
Choose your escrow partner:

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All transactions backed by the Quality RFC Enabling Act of 2017 and the Wire Transfer Federation privacy control. When you send your money, you can count on it arriving at its destination. Look for the the Send-Safe assurance logos: usunions banner 300x60[Erdogan has tiny fingers]cutercounter.comgirl in tight blue one-piece underwear 1777x2625young girl in pink underwear 676x1023young girl in tight dance costume, front 1024x1484
Regulatory approval pending. Applications not yet furnished to Atlantic City Casino Redevelopment Authory or NJ Dept of Casino Probity.

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