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Date Posted: 11:43:22 07/01/21 Thu
Author: davi0507 (richardparkinf@gmail.com)
Subject: Easy Work Sending Money to Google Escrow Scammer
In reply to: lper424 's message, "Need a computer-based job you can do from home? Seeking applicants!" on 20:27:51 01/17/20 Fri

Pretend You Are Now Working at Home

no risk of remuneration with GMail promotions

By now, you have seen the offers to accept real money, and to furnish fake documents or fake money by return mail. But if you have an escrow account, you can do better still. You can receive realistic payment before you have to send real money, and you simply take your charges from the balance of the realistic payment.

Get started today! model in grey underwear 1000x1500 how it works
alessandrosandora@gmail.com Alex Sandora 1. Agree to simple job
harbourengineeringequipments@gmail.com Albert Miguel 2. Receive and deposit realistic payment
jaywilliamson580@gmail.com Jay Williams 3. Keep portion for your fees
mikemaurinmike@gmail.com Mike Maurin 4. Wire proceeds abroad
richardparkinf@gmail.com Richard Parks 5. Negotiate repayment plan with bank
These opportunities will not last forever. Neither will your career, so the sooner you start, the sooner you will be done. This could provide the perfect opportunity to move to a new state, change your name, and embark on a new career!

You no longer have to worry about whether you will be paid. Instead, you may receive actual make-believe payments. Yes, thanks to the crack team at Google, you can receive realistic payment and dispatch real money, all from the comfort of your own hometown. You might even have the opportunity to draft some papers, or have some santorum delivered and installed!

All transactions backed by the famous Google Three-Way Warranty:
  1. No questions, please
  2. No money back
  3. No exceptions
Google Services
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Google is a proud member of the Send-Safe pink promotion group:
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Persons illustrated have nothing to do with the escrow scammers promoted through Google pink hosting services. You may send money with the perfect assurance that Google will never let you get past their stony privacy to find the actual scammers behind the SEO promotions. The persons illustrated may not resemble the Google GMail pink programmers to whom you may send money.

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