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Date Posted: 13:17:29 03/07/23 Tue
Author: jona1207 (events@worldlawalliance.com)
Subject: I Eat Paste and Buy Counterfiet Money On-Line and Expect It to Get Here Soon
In reply to: adam 's message, "Best place to buy counterfeit money online" on 07:15:30 04/24/19 Wed

Pay Real Money for Counterfeit Money

the vendor might even send you some

Just for now, please assume for the moment that the vendors of counterfeit money are not a bunch of crooks. This may be a stretch: honest people do not normally sell dishonest money. But let us pretend for now.

Also, assume that you are not a cynic. You should not be the type of person who asks:
  1. where does this counterfeit money come from
  2. if it is good, why are you not using it yourself
  3. why would you want to share the profits
  4. do your advertisements draw attention to the counterfeit money
  5. does it actually exist
  6. can you take my cost out of it and just send me the rest
If you ask this sort of nosy questions, then we may need a new potential buyer.
teen in tight sports pants with hands on head 800x1072

It is such a relief to know that you are not the sort of annoying person who would ask these questions. And even if you do not receive money, real or counterfeit, you might at least have some santorum, which looks pretty good in comparison to the make-believe fake money offered by some vendors.

Our experts panel is waiting to help themselves:
jim@8l8q.com drobinson@mrcannabislaw.com contact@secudomains.com
nominations@americastoplawyers.org info@mrcannabislaw.com lera.kirlin@targetlistinfo-usa.com
manuscript@englishscholars.ga dustin@mrcannabislawcoursepromo.com info@train.triolearners.com
attorneysaccess15@gmail.com chuck@naplescapitalsolutions.com marty@greenbaumconsultco.com
simon_k1237@icloud.com sophia.accuraterecords@outlook.com marty@smartfranchiseinvesting.com

Thanks to our sponsors, without whom these messages might be shorter and would certainly be less detailed.
chadwickamelie4@gmail.com chad0215 telephone, google
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jeremy@ownroundtableco.com jere0212 round table pizza, franchise, pink pie, bakes, plug in, microsoft, fat brands, neat, the works, profit, fun
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litongliangroup@gmail.com lito0210 unwanted promotions, pooh bear, red china
nukwanevo7@hotmail.com nukw0208 phish

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  • Deal with Strangers on the Interwebs -- davi0507 (contact@worldonealliance.com), 15:02:20 08/31/23 Thu
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