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Date Posted: 10:39:09 03/18/24 Mon
Author: rica0105 (georgethomasdz@outlook.com)
Subject: Feel Sick After Dealing with MicroSoft SEO Scammers
In reply to: Scorpionandcanadiankingcrab 's message, "Scorpions For Sale" on 00:19:23 02/03/23 Fri

MicroSoft Experts Game Search Engines

trust the experts who brought you Bung

Microsoft. Yes, Microsoft. You know them from the great Windows-7 debacle. You trust them to install and run spyware on your computer. You loved their Windows-10 auto-upgrade plan, though some people were a little concerned about the huge volume of data downloaded.

MicroSoft have brought Bing to the web. And now Microsoft are offering to assist in optimizing your web page. Remember, your web page is great, so if you are not getting the traffic you want then it is obviously someone else's fault.

Well, we will not waste time pointing fingers. Instead, we will waste money by sending it to smelly little scammers, located in remote foreign lands, who happily send pink e-mails promoting SEO wizardry. In keeping with the Microsoft traditions of quality, many of the words are spelled correctly.

girl in bra and panties lifting 700x1051
So, having determined that you need a dodgy SEO expert, why pick the best? You can pick one who qualifies as a Microsoft Partner ® and so obtains the respected Microsoft Outlook or Hotmail credentials. There is no reason to insist on the best.

With that decided, all you need to do now is decide which smelly little scammer gets your money:
ankitsharmawebservices@outlook.com anki0105 pain in butt, microsoft, seo, search, webservices, whips, something wrong, exercised
ankitsharmawebservices@outlook.com anki0105 pain in butt, microsoft, seo, search, webservices, whips, exercised
brglegalresearch@brgrs.com brgl1019 rackspace, proud, shocking, full of shit, research, brg, clueless, swallow, lesson, modest, service, look into
georgethomasdz@outlook.com geor0314 microsoft, search, look into
grace@demarekting.com grac0811 seo scammer, google seo, useless, seo fail, pink, performance, spanked, spanking, deserve, look into
jasonsmithbts7@hotmail.com jaso0807 microsoft SEO, promotions, searches
manishseoweb@outlook.com mani0510 microsoft, virtual, outlook, dull, assistants, screw-up, india, zero
penelope@webtechresearch.com pene1003 google, SEO, swallow
scott@bwpromarketing.com scot0104 seo, distract, too pink, future is hazy
thomasjones1976@outlook.com thom1128 microsoft, clean out, seo, experts
thomasjones1976@outlook.com thom1128 microsoft, clean out, seo, experts

Get in touch with the SEO experts, remembering to use MicroSoft rather than 1CellNet. They will furnish all the information you need to send money abroad. If you are feeling really bold, you could even allow these people to touch your web site. If you do that and people find out, then you will be considered mentally "special".

All transactions are backed by the Microsoft Assurance:

Tell your friends about the Microsoft Asssurance!

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