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Date Posted: 13:22:46, Tue, Oct 25 2005
Author: JonnyC
Subject: Brian Moore speaking sense?

From Monday's telegraph.co.uk

Nothing straight up and down when it comes to the line-out
By Brian Moore (Filed: 24/10/2005)

It might not be as simple as this, but it comes close in rugby today; if you consistently lose your own line-out ball, you lose the game. It was not always thus. Once upon a time both sets of forwards stood virtually in each other's pockets and it was the last man standing who managed to claw the ball back to his own side.

Nobody wants to return to those days and the gradual evolution from what the Australians used to call a 'dockyard brawl', at least when it wasn't going their way, to modern-day lifting has improved this part of the game. However, it has presented a different set of problems for the forwards. Given the importance, the absolute importance, of securing your own throw, how do you do this?

Well, you are aided, at least at senior and international level, by a very liberal interpretation of the throw-in law. The law actually states that the ball 'must be thrown straight' and by this it means down the imaginary middle line between the two opposing line-outs. In reality, many teams now get away with simply throwing the ball down the line of their own team.

Having discussed this with a number of referees, I gather there is a sort of 'corridor' they allow, which means provided a team do not actually throw the ball outside the line of their own line-out, they will let this go. In which case, why not reflect this in the laws so we all play by the same rules?

To be honest, I think that a lot of throwers are glad of the help. Things have got a good deal more complicated for them. Line-outs used to be static, and players were banned from moving up and down the line. This meant that it was the height of the throw that was the most important issue, not the length. As jumpers also could not be lifted in the air, it meant that the margin for error in height was far smaller than today. However, the huge change for today's throwers is that the depth of the throw is more important and difficult.

Throwing in is the sort of discipline that goes unnoticed until it goes wrong. It looks easy, but is not. A thrower has to perform a precise exercise after huge physical exertion.

What a thrower wants is to know as early as possible exactly where he has to deliver the ball. When there were only two or three jumpers this was easier, especially if the thrower called where the ball was going. It was also helped by the fact that the timing of the jump was taken off the thrower's arm.

Today, few throwers call the shots and calls are often last second, as the caller tries to work out where the opposition have placed their defensive jumpers. Add in the fact that most teams now take their timing from the jumper and it makes a thrower's job that much more difficult.

When everything is timed from the thrower, he knows that he doesn't have to rush his throw. His action can be the same each time; all he has to do is deliver the ball on the spot. When control is taken from him, a thrower finds he sometimes has to rush his throw to suit someone else. This sounds a small thing, but imagine addressing a golf ball and having to swing immediately someone shouts "Go", whether you feel ready or not.

There is also the little matter of throwing at a theoretical target and one which is often not exactly where you think it should be. Most throwers practise by throwing the ball at a variety of targets, but in a game they do not do this. What happens is that they have to throw the ball to a point they think the thrower will reach, after he has been lifted in the air. This is akin to the problem facing a winger who crosses for a centre-forward in football, and we all know how often they get it wrong.

Even if the jumper does take off from a point which accurately registers with the thrower, the thrower can't be certain the jumper will always achieve the same height. Fatigue, poor timing with the players who lift him and opposition pressure can all alter the height of the jump. Thus, a thrower can deliver the ball accurately according to all the variables known to him but still miss a jumper, and you can bet that it is he, not the jumper, who gets shot.

There are a few things you can do to make things easier for the thrower and thus make it more likely that you will get the ball. If, and I realise this is a big if, you can trust the thrower to control the calls, then do so. Take the time of the jump from the thrower's action, not from whenever the jumper feels like it. When things are going wrong make the calls simpler not more complex. The more variables, the more there is to go wrong. Finally, if the thrower is having a 'mare', he must be given a target he knows he can hit to restore his confidence. You wouldn't try to cure a case of the 'yips' by making someone hole an even harder putt.

So the next time you see a line-out go wrong, remember; it is not always the thrower's fault.

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[> Re: Brian Moore speaking sense? -- dom_pedro, 11:22:36, Wed, Oct 26 2005 [1]

Interesting article - shame he gets so partisan when it comes to commentating on England.

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