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Date Posted: 16:49:48 01/13/03 Mon
Author: Deborah Miller
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-am06.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Re: Mules -breeding info-big ugly heads?
In reply to: Sue 's message, "Mules -breeding info-big ugly heads?" on 20:03:18 01/08/03 Wed

My sister has the largest jackstock Ranch in the state of Texas she has over 60 jennys and I am not sure how many Jacks. She has won the Fort Worth stock show as well as the Houston. She only deals with Mammoth Stock She has some of the nicest mules I have ever seen. Big head well The horse will usely determin the size of the head by how she eats and is taken care of ect. Your mare needs to be about 15 1/2 hh. for a 16 hh. Mammoth jack. You have a 50/50 chance getting a 15-16hh. mule. You just have to love longears.
Deborah Miller
2 M Mix Ranch

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[> Re: Mules -breeding info-big ugly heads? -- Tony Clapier, 09:07:14 02/15/03 Sat (ts8-089.rpt.pmt.org/

I often hear the story that the mare contributes the size of the mule Not so!!! mule breeding is a genetic crapshoot but I can tell you from personnal experiance that you do not want to breed to a small jack if your goal are saddle size animals from quarter horse or thoroughbred mares. there are always exceptions but when I used a small {standard Jack} a high percentage of mules turned out undersized even from the same cross. Virtually all old jackmen that I have ever discussed this with concur!!! use a mammoth jack. once in a while a Mammoth on a quarter/thbrd mare will make a drafty mule but that is more desirable than a 700 lb mule. As far as the head goes both parents make a contribution so look for a jack with a nice head. (the head needs to be clipped to really see it] The mare contributes more to the head than the jack and I have some saddlebred mules that have beautiful heads. Many people dont realize that they are mules till they take a second look so I vote find a Jack with a good head 14 hands 1000 lbs minimum with flat bone and best rear end you can find correct on his feet and legs . Tony

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