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Date Posted: 18:49:46 03/17/03 Mon
Author: meg
Author Host/IP: serial245.blue.net /
Subject: Re: taming donkey
In reply to: Muhammad 's message, "taming donkey" on 06:37:56 02/15/03 Sat

I had the same problem, but I had two that I couldn't get near -even with carrots - if I got within 15 feet, they'd take off. The vet was coming to give them a shot the next day so I had to do something.
I tried a technique in a book called "talking to Horses" by an english guy (can't remember his name) who has acheived fame for taming killer horses.
What I did was walk out following the two and casually and calmly herded them into a corner. I slowly and quietly approached from the side and touched one, then slowly walked away. I repeated this a few times, scratching a little and then walking away. As they calmed down I scratched them longer, then walked away. Each time I approached they were calmer because I wasn't doing anything scary, just scratching them. I then took them some snacks and we were on our way to being friends

Don't attempt to touch if the donkey seems really scared, just wait talk to him tell him what a sweet guy he is, etc.
What you are showing him is that when you touch him you are not doing anything bad and then going away. It takes patience, but it will pay off.
Also, if you are anxious, the donkey is liable to pick up on it and become anxious himself. Try to be calm and even if the donkey freaks out and takes off, don't worry about it, just slowly follow and be calm and persistant.
Mine are great now.
Be patient,

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[> [> Re: taming donkey -- Teresa, 04:35:23 11/15/03 Sat (cache-loh-ac01.proxy.aol.com/

I too have just purchased a 2yr old mule and an 18month old donkey jack. The donkey jack is fine to cuddle but on trying to pick up his feet has attempted to kick. His feet are in need of attention so i need to get him over this. Also the mule has had no handling, although very affectionate towards me on any attempt to do anything to her she rears and tries to swing round to kick me ( we have had one near miss. Any advice on getting round the problem is appreciated. They both need attention to their feet and vaccinations etc.

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